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06-29-21 | Courts, Law Practice

Passions and pastimes: A Conversation with the Chief Justice of Canada

In this final instalment of the Right Honorable Richard Wagner’s interview with Marie-Eve Sylvestre, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section of the University of Ottawa, the Chief Justice draws a more intimate portrait of his motivations and passions as the top judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. He notes that it is a real privilege to be able to play a role in building a more just society for future generations.

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06-25-21 | Law Practice, Legislative Drafting, Public Service

Legal responses to COVID-19: The unsung work of legislative drafters

Significant measures were put in place to limit the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadians. Most of these required the intervention of legislative drafters who urgently prepared the texts of the laws and regulations that enabled governments to take action. This JuriDoc exposes the behind-the-scenes work of these lawyers who serve our governments and whose contributions are fundamental to both democracy and the rule of law in Canada.

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06-11-21 | Health Law, Human Rights, Interdisciplinarity

Informed consent in healthcare

Audrey Ferron Parayre, Assistant Professor in the University of Ottawa’s Civil Law Section, is interested in how clinical practices in healthcare relate to the legal standards in place to protect doctors and patients. In this video, she discusses her research on how information is shared between caregivers and patients, exploring what is actually happening in practice. What do doctors tell patients? What do patients understand? And who makes the final decisions?

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05-19-21 | Access to Justice, Criminal Law, Student Projects

Sexual assault crimes. A system that protects the accused?

Low reporting and conviction rates for sexual assault crimes are a very important issue in Canada today. In this video, Professor Quaid provides an overview of the key challenges in the Canadian criminal justice system, and discusses the benefits of implementing a specialized court for victims.

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