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05-16-23 | Access to Justice, Law Teaching Methodology, Student Projects

Accessibility to justice: Education to Understand our Rights

Information plays an essential role in access to justice. However, the educational system in Quebec places little emphasis on teaching legal concepts in schools. This has negative consequences, as many individuals find themselves facing problems of access to justice and overcrowded courts without the basic legal knowledge necessary to assert their rights.

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05-11-23 | Constitutional Law, Health Law, Student Projects

Abortion – An access undermined by federalism

Since the reversal of the case Roe v. Wade, abortion rights have become an even more pressing issue in today’s society. In Canada, access to abortion is unequal across the country. Why is this? Does the federal government have a role to play in ensuring fair and equitable access to this health service across the country? Law students have sought to understand the legal issues that may affect access to abortion and the real barriers faced by Canadian women.

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05-02-23 | Business Law, International, Training

Facing the international trade challenges of tomorrow: The Hyman Soloway Chair in Business and Trade Law

The Hyman Soloway Chair in Business and Trade Law promotes teaching and research in business and international economic law at the University of Ottawa. In this video, current chairholder Wolfgang Alschner explains how the Chair acts as a focal point for the development of trade law expertise in Canada’s capital, while explaining why it is now more important than ever to advance knowledge and expertise on the subject of international trade.

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04-24-23 | Comparative law, Technology, Training

Towards an artificial intelligence law

The omnipresence of artificial intelligence in all aspects of social life is undeniable. A group of researchers from different countries will gather at an international symposium on May 24th and 25th to structure the emerging field of research that is the law of artificial intelligence. Participants will analyze the various legislations under construction, particularly in Europe and Canada, as well as in Brazil, Mexico, and Senegal.

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