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11-16-22 | Business Law, International, Law Practice, Public Law

An unmatched diversity of perspectives on international trade and foreign investment law

The University of Ottawa has become a central hub for the study of international trade and investment law. The University boasts the largest group of faculty members specializing in the subject within Canada, with researchers employing a broad range of methods in their field-leading work. Leveraging a spirit of openness and exchange, the Faculty of Law plays host to a diverse range of perspectives in this field, allowing experts and students alike to gather, share ideas and learn from one another. This is the heart of one of the world’s top-ranked LLM programs in international law: the University of Ottawa’s Master of Laws Concentration in International Trade and Foreign Investment Law.

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06-29-21 | Courts, Law Practice

Passions and pastimes: A Conversation with the Chief Justice of Canada

In this final instalment of the Right Honorable Richard Wagner’s interview with Marie-Eve Sylvestre, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section of the University of Ottawa, the Chief Justice draws a more intimate portrait of his motivations and passions as the top judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. He notes that it is a real privilege to be able to play a role in building a more just society for future generations.

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Canadian Heritage Legal
05-07-21 | Law Practice, Intellectual Property, Public Service

A practice in the service of Canadian culture

Mr. Tariq Qureshi, Senior Counsel at the Department of Justice, is a lawyer working in the cultural industries sector. He actively contributes to the development and implementation of public policies that support the development of Canadian culture.

Mr. Qureshi shares his reflections on his journey since attending the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law.

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Supreme Court of Canada
05-04-21 | Access to Justice, Courts, Dean's Talk

The judicial system in tune with society

In this conversation with Marie-Eve Sylvestre, Dean of the Civil Law Section at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law, the Chief Justice discusses the place of innovation and creativity in the judicial system.

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